Creating a Campaign

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A Campaign is a group of activities that accomplish a goal. By grouping these activities together in a campaign it allows you to quickly and consistently apply the group of activities to a contact(s), causing them to appear in your task list and calendar. Campaigns can be used for marketing purposes such as sending mail pieces to a group of prospects over an extended period of time.  Campaigns can also be used to define business processes such as outlining all the steps required to execute a purchase and / or sales contract with a client.

The activities that make up a campaign are user defined and activities can be removed or added over time so that the campaign can be refined to accomplish the goal more effectively.  The following are some important points to remember about campaigns;

There is no limit to the number of campaigns that can be defined by the user.
Each campaign can contain an unlimited number of activities.
Activities that are defined will show up on the Outlook Task List or on your Outlook Calendar.

When the activities are added to a campaign they are not defined to occur on a definitive day but rather each activity is set to occur a user defined number of days after the campaign is applied to a contact. This date is called the campaign "Launch Date".


If at a point in the future you want to discontinue a campaign you can remove all future activities for any application of a campaign via the 'Campaign/Letter Manager'.


To Create a new Campaign

1.Click on "Create a Campaign" located on the Active Agent tool bar. 
2.If you are not in the campaign folder then you will be given the option to open the default campaign folder, this is where your campaign will be saved.  By selecting "Yes" a new Outlook window will open and then the new blank campaign will open.  (Once you have created and saved your campaign you can close the campaign folder window that was opened.)
3.Click on the "Add Activity" button - This will bring up the activity selection window  that will allow you to select the type of activity you want to create.  There are four (4) types of activities that can be created:
Word/Publisher Merge - Word and / or Publisher documents that are setup for Active Agent for Outlook mail merge (See "Create/Edit Merge Documents" to learn how create an Active Agent mail merge document in Word) can be specified as Campaign Activities. 
Phone Calls - Phone calls are added to the campaign and once applied show up as appointments on your calendar. 
Meetings - Meetings are added to the campaign and once applied show up as normal appointments on your calendar. 
Tasks or To-Do's - Tasks are added to the campaign and once applied show up in your main task list. 
4.Once you are finished adding activities you can save and close the campaign for use later.