Search for a Contact

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The standard Outlook search/find is very good for finding a contact based upon the basic information (name), but falls short when searching for things such as spouse, notes, job title, address etc.  It is also very difficult to do more complex searches such as find all the people that have the word "golf" in their notes and their wife's name is Sally.


For that very reason we add an easy to use, yet very powerful, search function. 


To Search for a Contact:

1.Click on the Tools-Search for Contact option on the Active Agent Toolbar, the search window opens.
2.Enter the information you want to search for in the corresponding boxes.
3.Select the option for either:
a.All Criteria Must Match - Puts 'and' between the conditions (e.g., "golf" in the notes field and wife's name is Sally)
b.Contains any of the above Criteria - Puts 'or' between the conditions (e.g., "golf" in the notes field or wife's name is Sally)
4.Click on Search
5.Double click on the result that you want to open.