Create/Edit Merge Documents

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When Active Agent for Outlook is installed it loads 84 pre-written letters that are all formatted to be used as Word mail merge documents in Campaigns and 'Quick Letters'.  If you want to view/edit any of these documents or if you want to create new documents you will use the Merge Templates feature.  This automates the process of creating new Word documents, setting them up to be used as merge documents and inserting the basic merge fields.


To Edit/View existing Documents:

1.Click Tools-Merge Templates on the Active Agent Toolbar
2.The top section of the window that appears gives you the ability to edit/view any of the merge documents to access one of the documents:
a.Select the type of the document from the 'Document Type' drop down list
b.Select the name of the document from the 'Templates' drop down list
3.Click on Open Merge Document, this will open Word with the selected template open and available for editing.


To Create a New Merge Document:

1.Click Tools-Merge Templates on the Active Agent Toolbar
2.The middle section of the window that appears gives you the ability to add a new merge document:
a.If you are adding a new group/type of documents, enter the name of the new type in the 'New Document Type' field and click the 'Add' button
b. If you are adding a document to an existing group of documents then select the type of document from the 'Document Type/Folder' drop down list.
c.Enter the new document name in the 'Save Template As' field.
3.Click on Open Merge Document, this will open Word with a new merge document (based on the Master Template, see below) with the basic merge fields already inserted, ready for you to type/paste your unique content.
2.Once this document is saved and Word is closed it is ready to be used with the Quick Letter to Contact or in a campaign.


Edit the Master Template:

The Master template is the Word template that is used as the basis to create new Merge documents, as described above.

1.Click Tools-Merge Templates on the Active Agent Toolbar
2.The bottom section of the window that appears gives you the ability to edit/view the template that is used to create new merge documents.:
3.Click on Open Merge Document, this will open Word with the Master         template open and available for editing.