Create a Property/Transaction Record

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The Location Record, sometimes referred to as the property or transaction record, is intended to be used as a record of your transactions.  And, can be stored in any contact folder that has at least one contact. 


After you create a property/location record you may see "blank" entries in the list of contacts if you are using one of the address card views.  These are the property/location records and can either be hidden from the view or additional information can be added to the view to show the location address and contact name.  Instructions on modifying th view can be found at in the topic on changing views.



To Create a New Property/Location Record:

1.Highlight your client's contact record
2.Click on the Active Agent toolbar's Create-Create Location record.
a.The first time you create a location record you will be  given the option  to load use the contact's address as the property address, this will pre-fill the location address with the default mailing address on the contact. Loc Contact Add as Prop Add
b.This will create a new Property/Location record linked to the currently selected contact
3.There are fields on this record to store as little or as much information you like about the transaction; however, the only information that is required to be able to save the record if the property address.
4.Now explore the different tabs of the property/location record.


To retrieve the property record once it has been created and saved, go to the 'Properties' tab of the contact record and click on the 'Main Contact on Property' option and the bottom and then click on the Refresh button.  This will display all the properties for that contact, to open the property single click on the property from the list.